
Friday, 13 August 2010

Dieux du Stade

It's French, mes amis. And it means 'Gods of the Stadium'. And they are. Young French rugby players, who seem to be leaner and more beautiful than their British, New Zealand, Ozzie or South African counterparts.

The new Dieux du Stade calendar, magnificently photographed by Tony Duran, is out. Just a few photos to whet your appetite and possibly wet your..... ahem.

One thing which intrigues me: the beaut blokes in these photos must know they're going to be perved at by all us homos. OK, there is prolly a huge female audience too, but the women I know don't much care for muscly guys, even as tastefully muscular as these guys. Does it bother them? One suspects not: ppl I know from Europe say that though they don't make a fuss about it, many, many youngsters these days don't much care whether their partner is male or female. The world is moving on from the either/or culture of 30 years ago. A sporty friend (American football and soccer) reckons that sportsmen (young ones) are comfy with touching other men and being close to them. Maybe. Jason Akermanis doesn't think so, as I've mentioned before. But then he's a nincompoop.

There are other calendars of beaut sportsmen. But these are to my mind the best. And just imagine how sexy their accents are!

I'm off to take a cold shower.


  1. Wish these guys didn't do so much shaving and oiling. A scruff of beard and a matte finish look more natural and bed-ready.

  2. They haven't shaved chest hair as far as I can tell. Designer stubble on some would be nice, I agree.

    As for bed-ready. Nah. They're like a Lamborghini. Out of my range, alas. Like the Lamborghini I admire from a distance, without the hope of ever owning one.

  3. Welsh is also a sexy accent. And the others would have to keep their mouths shut. Um. Let me rephrase that. Not talk.
