You can find my stories at my WordPress blog. You can follow it even if you do not have a WordPress Account. There're also my Twitter and my newTumbl blog, and my group.

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Perfection in boots

Ultra beaut

Another alternative to Tumblr

This is a bit more developed than Swarmr, and helpfully allows you to add content ratings (G/PG/R/X)  Most of my posts are PG, some are R and a few are X.  Tumblr was marking pictures of clothed men kissing as "unsuitable", so it was time to move on. 

Anyway, I've just opened my newtumblr blog, here.

Beaut bloke

Adidas squarecuts

Or they might just be very snug rugby shorts.

Monday, 21 January 2019

Beaut bloke

Men kissing


Aussiebum classics

Two new Aussiebum classics now available. I will definitely be buying them.  I have to buy a size larger than my normal size because they're non stretch.  But they remind me of the first Speedos back in the day which were (a) colourful and (b) nylon like these Aussiebums (Speedo was originally an Ozzie company)

Cowboy boots

I loves ya

Tights and tyres


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